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Cover Pools

DZ HYP issues both mortgage and public sector Pfandbriefe and is a member of the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp) & European Covered Bond Council (ECBC). On the basis of section 28 of the Pfandbrief Act, we report on the composition of the cover pools on a quarterly basis. In addition, DZ HYP publishes further information in form of the Harmonised Transparency Template (HTT) within the scope of the Covered Bond Label.

Mortgage Pfandbriefe

The DZ HYP Mortgage Pfandbriefe provide investors with a product that fulfils their need for security and transparency to a large extent. These unique quality standards in the covered bond universe are governed by the German Pfandbrief Act (Pfandbriefgesetz – PfandBG), which substantially strengthens the position of Pfandbrief holders. In addition, DZ HYP's Mortgage Pfandbriefe are rated AAA by S&P and Aaa by Moody's. Private as well as commercial real estate loans are used as cover assets for DZ HYP's Mortgage Pfandbriefe. In addition to transparency disclosures under section 28 of the PfandBG, you will receive further details concerning the mortgage cover pool.

Public Pfandbriefe

DZ HYP's Public Pfandbriefe are rated AAA and Aaa by S&P and Moody's, respectively. These issues are collateralised by public-sector loans, or loans and advances accorded a similar status in accordance with section 20 of the PfandBG.

Accordingly, claims against the following types of institutions are eligible for inclusion in cover:

  • Public-sector authorities (such as the Federal Government, the German Federal states, cities or municipalities)
  • Public-sector administrative unions
  • Social insurance agencies
  • Public-sector banks or insurance companies
  • Public-sector institutions having the legal right to levy fees, charges, or other dues

In addition to transparency disclosures under section 28 of the PfandBG, you will receive further details concerning the public-sector cover pool.

Section 28 of the German Pfandbrief Act

Pursuant to section 28 of the Pfandbrief Act, we provide information on the composition of the cover pools:

Harmonized Transparency Template (HTT)

Logo des DZHYP Cover Bond Labels

Further information