Sustainability strategy
Cooperative. Social. Ecological.
Sustainability is a cornerstone of DZ HYP’s business. Our governing principles are laid down in a dedicated sustainability strategy, which itself is embedded in DZ HYP’s overall strategic framework and defines what our responsibility is – and what we mean when we talk about sustainable development. This strategy serves as a guide for identifying areas of action and suitable measures for sustainability management. The annual review of this strategy factors in the political and social environment, market dynamics and technological innovations. Ambition levels are also critically reviewed.
Our sustainability strategy serves as a guide for identifying areas of action and suitable measures for sustainability management. It comprises governing principles and makes clear what our responsibility is – and what we mean when we talk about sustainable development. The key topics identified are as follows:

Sustainability goals
Uniting ecological, economic and social responsibility is in DZ HYP’s DNA and articulated through the Bank’s sustainability strategy. This strategy, aligned with DZ HYP’s broader strategic framework, outlines clear fields of action for the Bank and sets specific targets to make sustainability principles actionable.
DZ HYP’s annual reporting offers a comprehensive overview of the Bank’s ESG activities and goals. As well as this, its sustainability performance is regularly validated by high ratings awarded by external agencies.
Downloads at a glance
DZ HYP sustainability reports:
Sustainability reports from previous years:
The Sustainability Reports 2012 - 2017 are available upon request. Please send an e-mail to nachhaltigkeit(a)