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Supplier Management

DZ BANK Group companies have been bundling their sustainable activities since 2010 with the overarching aim of jointly leveraging market opportunities, avoiding risks and also contributing towards benefitting society. Based on this core value, guidelines on sustainability in purchasing were developed at group level in 2012 to define standard requirements for purchasing.

They are based on the principles stipulated by the Global Compact of the United Nations, the Code of Conduct published by the German Association Supply Chain Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME), as well as on the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Thus, in addition to economic purchasing criteria, ecological and social aspects are given equal consideration in supplier management.

When it comes to procurement, we give preference to local suppliers and service providers that are located close to one of our offices. This results in short transpor­tation routes and helps reduce CO2 emissions.


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What we do

All suppliers with an aggregate revenue that exceeds a fixed threshold will be reviewed by procure­ment for sustainability criteria and how open they are towards taking further measures to meet or improve upon these criteria. In doing so, we use a list of criteria based on the above­ mentioned principles, codes and conventions and that stretches from critical human rights issues to illicit employment, minimum wage infringement and improper disposal of construction materials.