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Sustainability at DZ HYP.

Stakeholder Engagement

Continuous exchange with capital market partners and stakeholders is an essential element of our sustainability activities. It enables us to better address the aims and concerns of the various stakeholder groups. It also serves as a source of information on how the opportunities and risks of our business activities are perceived outside DZ HYP. Therefore, building and maintaining long­term relationships with our stakeholders is also of strategic importance, and forms the basis for further developing our approach.

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Stakeholder engagement measures

  • Employee surveys
  • Advisory Board – Banks, Public Sector, Housing sector
  • Regular events such as outlook- and studio events, table talks.
  • Participation in industry events
  • Exhibitor at the German Treasurer Day
  • One-to-one briefings with capital market partners
  • Continuous dialog with capital market partners
  • Regular exchange with rating agencies

The above measures represent a selection. In addition, we provide stakeholders with further information, for example in the form of press releases.