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DZ HYP. Because we can.

DZ HYP publishes diversity policy


We rely on a corporate culture that promotes partnership, dialog and performance in equal measure. In this context, the diversity of our employees is a key component of our success. We are convinced that diversity creates efficiency, promotes ideas, drives innovation and makes us stronger as DZ HYP. Our goal is to promote the acceptance of diversity among our employees, to create a non-discriminatory working environment and to enable an appreciative corporate culture with equal opportunities for all employees. Living diversity increases identification with our company and promotes the individual potential of all employees.

Because the topic is important to us, we have adopted a diversity policy. "The policy is intended to provide guidance for equal and non-discriminatory work," explains Katharina Lindenbaum in our new episode of the corporate podcast DZ HYP HÖRBAR, in which she talks about diversity and variety together with Jörg Hermes, member of the Management Board. "We need different cultures in the company. The more diverse and colorful we are, the more successful we are," says Jörg Hermes. And Katharina Lindenbaum adds: "We want to create an environment in which everyone feels they belong."

You can find the podcast and further information on diversity and variety in the Diversity and variety section as well as on YouTube and Spotify.

