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Fields of action

DZ HYP has identified four fields of action in its sustainability strategy, each to be optimised continually through suitable measures. These measures – along with their outcomes – are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that they are in line with the Bank’s ambition levels and to allow them to be adjusted wherever required. In this process, DZ HYP also gears its activities towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Bank adheres closely to these SDGs because it wants to make sure that its sustainability goals play their part in achieving sustainable development.

Sustainable Banking

According to European Commission statistics, the real estate sector accounts for around 36 per cent of energy-related carbon emissions in the European Union. This means that the sector is instrumental in combating climate change. Accordingly, banks can make a positive difference for the environment by promoting energy-efficient and environmentally friendly construction projects when extending loans. 

Blue icon: Shield with checkmark within

What we do

As a member of the Cooperative Financial Network, the combination of environmental, economic and social responsibility is an integral part of DZ HYP’s corporate culture. With this in mind, we are well equipped for these challenges and focus closely on sustainability-related issues that primarily affect players in the financial sector. Climate policy risks are increasingly taken into account in order to encourage longer-term thinking in capital market investments and, in turn, to create a more stable financial market. 

In a joint climate strategy, the DZ BANK Group committed itself to reducing aggregated carbon emissions from the Group entities’ operations by at least 65 per cent by 2030 (compared with 2009) and to be climate-neutral by 2045. This climate neutrality target is the Group’s minimum target.

DZ HYP has established climate pathways for its corporate client and retail customer portfolios to guide the Bank towards its decarbonisation targets. These climate pathways have been benchmarked against the Paris-aligned pathways published by the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM).

Employee Matters

Motivated and skilled employees are our most vital resource because the Bank’s economic success depends largely on their ability, dedication and hard work. Ethical and legal reasons aside, we believe that it is vital to have a working environment in which everyone communicates openly and is treated with respect, fairness and appreciation. It is also because such an environment enables us to lay the groundwork for long-term commercial success.

We offer our staff performance-based remuneration, flexible working hours without a set schedule, and a family-friendly corporate culture. This is complemented by an extensive continuing professional development programme, social benefits and comprehensive occupational health management. 

We firmly believe in the importance of having a healthy working environment and treat all employees equally, regardless of their heritage, skin colour, religion, gender or gender identity, age, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status or degree of disability. Further details can be found in our diversity guidelines.  

DZ HYP Nachhaltigkeit Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter
Blue icon: Magnifying glass, within the head and shoulders of a human

Our goal

We have set ourselves the target of increasing the proportion of women among our Department or Division Heads to 25 per cent by 2025, underscoring our commitment to diversity and equal opportunity.

We have also implemented measures to increase employee loyalty and introduced agile, state-of-the-art working practices aimed at fostering innovation and increasing our attractiveness as an employer.

We provide vocational training for talented young professionals. This is part of our ongoing efforts to rise to current challenges and respond to changing skills requirements.

Social Commitment

The cooperative basic values of aiding empowerment, solidarity as well as sustain­able and responsible conduct are cornerstones of DZ HYP’s social commitment. As an active member of society, we are aware that the decisions we make signifi­cantly influence the environment in which we move, live and work. That is why we join our employees to dedicate ourselves to the community in which we live and move, and make our own contribution to the work they do together, supporting a large number of social projects and institutions, professionally­oriented non­profit organisations, as well as the social involvement of the Cooperative Financial Network. Moreover, DZ HYP has a positive impact on economic and social devel­opment at its locations – as an employer and contractor.

DZ HYP Nachhaltigkeit Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung

Here is a selection of our social, cultural and scientific commitment:

  • Active Citizenship Association (Aktive Bürgerschaft)
  • CLUB OF ROME’s German charter / CLUB OF ROME schools network
  • "Hanseatischen Börsenkreis der Universität zu Hamburg e.V."
  • Schools and Business Partnership” project launched by a chamber of commerce and industry in Münster
  • "Don’t leave school without the prospect of a job” project (KAoA)
  • Basis & Woge e.V. charity
  • Franziskustreff charity, Frankfurt/Main
  • Ghost Diving Germany e.V. charity
  • Würdezentrum gUG
  • Hauner Verein charity, Munich
Blue icon: handshake of two hands in the shape of hearts


DZ HYP embraces its responsibility as a corporate citizen and is particularly active in regions where its offices are located. Together with the Loki Schmidt Foundation, the Bank has been launching corporate volunteering projects with an environmental focus for a number of years now. In 2023, DZ HYP also subsidised the Hamburg Donors’ Parliament (“Hamburger Spendenparlament”), which supports initiatives for tackling homelessness and poverty, as well as initiatives that promote integration in Hamburg. As in previous years, the Bank also matched the staff Christmas collection initiated by the Works Council and made donations to customer-related projects. The Bank also supports humanitarian aid programmes providing emergency relief. The budget for donations and sponsoring activities was €311,417 in 2023 (2022: €383,921). 

We do not support political parties; we engage only in expert and industry-specific associations. DZ HYP makes no donations to political parties or affiliated institutions. This is to avoid exposing itself to any possible accusation of exercising political influence or receiving preferential treatment. The Bank has created guidelines governing this topic.

Ecological Responsibility

Conserving an intact and stable environment influences our business activities as well. Our environmental management focuses on optimising the use of energy and resources at the Bank and on using renewable energy sources to consistently reduce our operational carbon footprint. We also constantly reduce mobility-related emissions such as those resulting from business travel. Looking at environmental issues in the supply chain of products and services is another part of our sustainable corporate policy.

DZ HYP Nachhaltigkeit Umweltschutz