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DZ HYP is rated by Moodys's and S&P. In addition, there is a joint Cooperative Financial Network rating from Fitch. The most important current ratings, as well as the corresponding rating reports, can be found on this page.

 Standard & Poor´s Moody'sFitch Ratings*
Issuer RatingA+Aa2AA-
Short-Term RatingA-1Prime-1F1+
Issue Ratings   
Mortgage PfandbriefeAAAAaa-
Public PfandbriefeAAAAaa-
Long-Term Ratings    
Preferred Senior UnsecuredA+Aa2AA
Non-Preferred Senior UnsecuredAA3AA-
* joint rating for the Cooperative Financial Services Network

Rating reports

Sustainability report

You will find additional information on the sustainability rating in our sustainability report.

A glazed wall of an office building from the outside, reflecting the bright green tree standing next to it and other trees in the background