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Interesting insights during construction site tour of the "Berlin Decks" commercial campus


"BERLIN DECKS" is currently being built as a campus for innovative and creative Industry 4.0 companies - an exciting project on the Spandauer Schifffahrtskanal, which is being financed by DZ HYP together with two local cooperative banks.

DZ HYP Management Board member Jörg Hermes and colleagues from the Berlin Real Estate Center recently had the opportunity to see the construction progress of "BERLIN DECKS" for themselves. Representatives of the client provided interesting insights into the scheduled construction of the sustainable, approximately 51,000 square meter campus.

A particular highlight of "BERLIN DECKS" are the dark green ceramic elements that are suspended in the façade and give the campus an unmistakable flair. Participants on the tour were able to test and touch these elements.

