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Solar modules on the roof of the DZ HYP building in Hamburg


The comprehensive building refurbishment projects which are currently taking place at DZ HYP's main locations also include energy-related building modernisation. A key part of this is the energy-efficient refurbishment of the technical systems. Various measures have been taken to reduce emmissions from building operations. One of these measures is the expansion of electricity generation for the bank’s own consumption through solar modules in Hamburg. In 2020, a total of 250 solar panels with a respective output of 325 watts were installed on the bank building’s roof. Under optimal conditions, this results in a solar yield of approximately 80 kwp (Watt peak)/h, which corresponds to an electricity output of 40,000 to 50,000 kWh per year. With the help of the solar modules, DZ HYP saves approximately 36,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year compared to conventional electricity from gas, coal and nuclear power. The additional purchased electricity in Hamburg is exclusively certified hydroelectric power.
