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Another award for DZ HYP


Real Estate Brand Award 2020 goes to DZ HYP

DZ HYP did it again. For the fifth time, the Bank as a brand was the most convincing to the jury of the Real Estate Brand Award, which named DZ HYP the strongest brand of 2020 in the Banking category. The renewed accolade serves to confirm the Bank’s excellent positioning in the industry. DZ HYP slightly improved its performance on the previous year, scoring 96.02 per cent (2019: 95.62 per cent). Trustworthiness, client service and intent to reuse were cited as the main performance criteria.

On 28 May, DZ HYP received the award during a festive online ceremony, hosted by television presenter Barbara Schöneberger and Real Estate Brand Institute CEO Harald Steiner.

The Berlin-based European Real Estate Brand Institute (EUREB Institute) has been calculating the value of material brands of the European real estate sector since 2009, basing its analysis on a representative survey amongst experts. For this Real Estate Brand Value Study, Europe’s most important study on the industry, 109,000 industry experts are surveyed on more than 1,000 brands from 45 European markets.


