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Demographic management at DZ HYP


The chance of demographic change

The biggest challenges faced by HR work today are demographic change and fiercer competition for qualified specialists and executives. We meet these challenges with our demographic management. In 2019, we adopted a concept that focuses on the four fields of personnel planning, personnel recruitment, staff loyalty and health, aiming at safeguarding our employees’ motivation and productivity, from the client interface to business, administrative and risk processes, even in times of change. These changes include the upcoming retirement of the baby-boomer generation, the general lack of skilled workers, new expertise requirements within digitalisation, or the younger generation’s new demands.

Our guiding principles

The following guiding principles set the course for our HR work:

  • We believe in training and continuing professional development.
  • We support every age group.
  • We foster flexibility.
  • We empower female talent.

It is important to us to

  • act in line with both current and future needs;
  • act with a view to the Bank as a whole, whilst taking the requirements of specific areas, departments and divisions into account;
  • integrate all material form of training and CPD;
  • win acceptance for the concept across the Bank;
  • ensure a good fit and participation of all areas;
  • make management take on primary responsibility.


The four fields of our demographic concept

The shortage of skilled workers will be tackled by increasing training activities. DZ HYP offers tailor-made vocational training and career advancement programmes to school leavers, university students and graduates, including part-time study programmes. Alongside training in the area of real estate finance, bank management and regulation as well as IT will take centre stage. To actively address the relevant target groups, DZ HYP will expand its employer branding by means of a campaign, gradually improving its market presence.

Staff loyalty plays a major role as well. For 2020, we aim to complement existing formats such as employee or performance appraisals with new ones, including a talent development programme, regular “pulse checks” to measure employee satisfaction and a stay-in-touch programme for particularly talented interns and work-study participants.

Personal health and a work-life balance are prerequisites when it comes to enhancing sustainable commitment and performance among employees in all age groups. DZ HYP acknowledges that reconciling work and family life will require different organisational models at different stages of life, from various working time models via mobile working and up to sabbaticals. Furthermore, our occupational health management will increasingly deal with psychological stress at the workplace in the future.

