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DZ HYP. Because we can.

Corporate bodies and committees

Blue icon: Heads and shoulders of three people side by side


DZ HYP is a public limited-liability company under German law (Aktiengesellschaft). The Company's corporate bodies are the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board. Moreover, there are several advisory boards acting as a link to cooperative banks and to further client groups. Apprioximately 96 per cent of the capital stock ist held by DZ BANK. Further investors are the foundation Stiftung Westfälische Landschaft in Munster, and cooperative banks. The foundation Stiftung Westfälische Landschaft was established in the course of the transformation of the former real estate bank “Westfälische Landschaft” into WL BANK in 1987.

Blue icon: Magnifying glass

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is DZ HYP's monitoring body. It monitors the management of the business (executed by the Management Board), and assumes key auditing and reporting duties. Fundamental decisions concerning the Bank require its approval. The Supervisory Board appoints the members of the Management Board. It is authorised to define information and reporting duties of the Management Board that extend beyond minimum legal requirements.

Blue icon: Heads and shoulders of three people side by side with a speech bubble above

Advisory Council

The Advisory Councils of DZ HYP consist of representatives of clients in the banking sector, the institutional housing sector, and public-sector clients. In an active exchange of views, the Councils advise the Management Board of DZ HYP – in an open and constructive manner. We use the findings from each market to enhance our particularly client-focused actions.

Blue icon: Head and shoulders of three people next to each other. A speech bubble above them.


The wholly-owned subsidiary VR WERT GmbH allows DZ HYP to complement its range of real estate management products and services related to its real estate lending business. VR WERT’s central tasks are to prepare and audit lending and market valuations.

Articles of Incorporation

Articles of Incorporation of DZ HYP

The Articles of Incorporation of DZ HYP can be downloaded here: